See Saw Situations

Creepy situations

Sad situations

Happy situations

Stressful situations

Calm situations

Whatever situations

Chain the love to all your situations

Sometimes you feel low in certain situations

And then you feel high in other situations

Just remember that in all situations

Chain the love to your situations

Up and Down

My Mental Stream

Up and Down.

Up and Down.

My moods they swing,

Up and Down.

Four times today I have been

Up and Down.

Yet my mood seems to stay less

Up than Down.

So I wonder when will I be more

Up than Down.

Will I really need help to be more

Up than Down

Am I that damaged that I go

Up and Down.

Four times a day I go,

Up and Down.

Maybe I should just forget Up and

Stay Down.

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Come out of your fortress and open your heart as well as your eyes. the world still has loving souls ready to appreciate your impact in their lives There is no such thing as ugliness, too skinny or plain face, those are distorted binocular focals that just give a false image of you. Truly wonderfully and uniquely creature…. you!

marisabishop55's Blog

Dear readers,
I feel ugly to America. Im not very skinny or pretty and i don’t have beauty flowing out of me. I guess I’m average, that’s why I don’t get as much attention as other people would and i don’t have as many friends. Don’t get me wrong i have some friends but we don’t text or hang out we just talk at school some. I wear make-up every day and fix my hair nice all the time i never look indecent. Yet it takes a lot in society to have the looks. I think i have 1/3 of the looks, but i have a pure heart. That’s what true beauty is, its loving yourself and not worrying about what people think.

~Love Risa~

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